
Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) Decisions

The following are summaries of some recent decisions of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee, reflecting three different dispositions. They are provided for educational purposes. Information in these summaries has been altered to protect the privacy of both members and complainants, and to protect the confidentiality of the investigation process. The relevant substance of the allegations and outcomes remain unchanged.

Termination of Services: Decision: Take No Further Action

A client alleged that a psychologist had terminated services without explanation. In response, the psychologist indicated that a conflict had emerged which would have made it inappropriate to continue providing services to this client.

The panel of the ICRC considering this matter believed that upon learning of the emerging conflict, the psychologist proceeded to terminate services in an appropriate manner. This included consulting with three other professionals and legal counsel, as well as taking proactive steps to assist with the client’s transfer of care. The panel therefore decided to take no further action with respect to the complaint.

Professional Boundaries: Decision: Advice

The complainant had concerns about a psychologist and reported those concerns to the clinic at which the psychologist was employed. The psychologist approached the complainant outside of a community centre to address the concerns the complainant had reported.

In her response to the College the member acknowledged that it was inappropriate approach the complainant in a public space and apologized for having done so. The panel believed that by approaching the complainant in this way the client’s confidentiality was compromised, and boundaries were not maintained as they ought to have been. The panel therefore decided to provide the member with Advice in this regard.

Timeliness of Report: Decision: Undertakings

The complainant indicated that her child had undergone testing for an assessment to address school issues, and the parents received verbal feedback within six weeks. However, eleven months later, the parents had yet to receive a written report or the forms needed for tax purposes, despite multiple requests. The member in response indicated that there were multiple reasons for this delay, including health concerns, and that she had already planned changes to her practice to ensure a situation like this would not arise again.

The panel of the ICRC considering this matter believed that there were moderate to high risks involved in this kind of delay, including negative impacts on students and their families who are trying to support them. The panel did believe that the mitigation strategies the member proposed were reasonable and appropriate; however there did not appear to be any information regarding implementation of those strategies. The panel therefore asked the member to work with a coach by way of an Undertaking with the College, to ensure that the strategies were appropriately implemented.

Take No Further ActionA panel may take no further action if it believes there is no risk to the public.
AdviceA panel may give advice if it identifies low risks. Advice is meant to help the member avoid future risks.
UndertakingAn undertaking is a binding and enforceable agreement made by a member with the College that sets out one or more obligations or restrictions on the member. A member may enter into an undertaking with the ICRC or Registration Committee. Entering into an undertaking is not an admission of misconduct or incompetence. The public register must contain a notation and summary of any undertaking, while that undertaking is in effect. Once the undertaking is completed, the notation is removed from the public register.