Instructions for Requesting a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC)

Vulnerable Sector Checks

All applicants for registration as a Behaviour Analyst are required to provide the results of a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) as part of their application. A VSC provides an added level of public protection by obtaining information from an outside entity about an applicant’s good character.

Instructions for Requesting a Vulnerable Sector Check

Applicants must contact their local police department for instructions on obtaining a VSC. It is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain the correct type of check and pay all applicable fees. Processing times for Vulnerable Sector Checks differ by location, so applicants should ensure that they apply for a VSC early in the registration process.

For more information, please review the College’s Vulnerable Sector Screening Policy here.

Submitting a Vulnerable Sector Check

Applicants must submit the original results of their Vulnerable Sector Check. The College will accept an original electronic copy sent directly by the police service, or a scanned version of the hard copy where all signatures, the police logo, and the seal are visible. If your results were issued electronically by the police, please send the electronic copy to

Applicants who are uploading an electronic copy of the Vulnerable Sector Check to their application must ensure that the uploaded document is not passcode protected. If applicants are unable to remove the passcode protection from the original version, please upload a screenshot with the signatures, the police logo, and the seal visible.

The VSC must have been issued no more than 6 months before the date the applicant submits a complete application. An application is considered complete and ready for review by the Registrar when the application form, application fee, and all supporting documents specified in the application form have been received by the College. If your VSC expires before your application is marked complete, you will be required to obtain an updated VSC.

The VSC must be completed on the applicant’s current and previous legal name(s). The applicant’s full legal name, previous name(s), and date of birth listed on the VSC check must match the information the applicant has reported to the College in their application form. The College reserves the right to refuse a check that does not match the applicant’s information.

Instructions for Toronto residents

Applying online

  • Complete the online application process for requesting a Vulnerable Sector Check. To complete the Toronto Police Services’s application, you will need the College’s unique agency code, which is available to download from the application.   

Applying by mail or in-person

  • To apply by mail or in-person, please email the College at to request the Toronto Police Service application form.

Instructions for residents of Ottawa, Gatineau, and Halton region

The College is aware that the regions of Ottawa, Gatineau, and Halton do not issue do not issue Vulnerable Sector Checks for registration purposes. Applicants residing in one of these regions must complete a Level 2 Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check. These applicants will also be asked to complete an Acknowledgement, Declaration, and Undertaking with the College. Please email the College at to request an Acknowledgment, Declaration, and Undertaking Form.   

Instructions for international applicants

If you are currently living outside of Canada, you will need to obtain a Certified Criminal Record Check through the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Please visit the following website for instructions on obtaining this type of check:

These applicants will also be asked to complete an Acknowledgement, Declaration, and Undertaking with the College. Please email the College at to request an Acknowledgment, Declaration, and Undertaking Form.