
COVID-19 Information for Members – March 23, 2020

Chief Medical Officer of Health – Directive for Healthcare Providers

On Friday March 20, 2020, the Ministry of Health forwarded a copy of a Directive from the Chief Medical Officer of Health to all Regulatory Colleges.  The Directive is available on the College website.

As you will read, the Chief Medical Officer of Health has directed that all non-essential and elective services should be ceased or reduced to minimal levels, subject to allowable exceptions.  Such exceptions relate to those in which services are necessary to avert or avoid negative patient/client outcomes or situations that would have a direct impact on the safety of patients/clients.

The Chief Medical Officer of Health notes that health practitioners should use their professional judgment in determining whether the risks of interrupting in person services outweigh any risks of inadvertent exposure to the virus.  Members are in the best position to evaluate the risks to their clients, communities and themselves with regard to the need for essential in-person services.  The directive of the Chief Medical Officer of Health and times require that health service providers take a conservative and risk avoidant approach.  With the strong recommendations from all level of government, the College assumes all members have now instituted ‘social distancing’ practices.

COVID-19 Health Care Provider Recruitment

The Ministry of Health is looking for health care providers, including those registered with health regulatory Colleges, who may be working part-time and are prepared to increase their work hours; or former healthcare providers who are retired, or on inactive status with their regulatory college and are prepared to return to employment.  There is no indication of how many members will be needed or how they might assist.   At this time however, the Ministry wishes to gather information about potential availability as they continue their health human resource planning in the face of COVID-19.  If you are interested, you can access the Ministry application form at:



The link, as well as other important information, can also be found in the following locations.

Links on the



And on the COVID-19 page for providers on

