

COVID-19 Information for Members – April 20, 2020

Frequently Asked Question Over the past two weeks the College has received numerous questions from members regarding practice issues related to service provision during the coronavirus pandemic. Since many of these were quite similar, I have prepared the following set of FAQs in an effort to address some of the […]   More >>>


COVID-19 Information for Members – April 8, 2020

This update contains important information on three topics:           Health Care Provider Recruitment by the Ministry of Health Further Information on Closure of Non-Essential Businesses Redeployment Requests Made of Members by Employers   Health Care Provider Recruitment As previously announced in the College email of March 23rd, the […]   More >>>


COVID-19 Information for Members – March 30, 2020

IMPORTANT FEE PAYMENT AND RENEWAL INFORMATION Fee Deadline Extended to August 1, 2020 The College is well aware of the extreme financial impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on members and their families.  We know that some members have had to significantly decrease their level of service and in some […]   More >>>


COVID-19 Information for Members – March 23, 2020

Chief Medical Officer of Health – Directive for Healthcare Providers On Friday March 20, 2020, the Ministry of Health forwarded a copy of a Directive from the Chief Medical Officer of Health to all Regulatory Colleges.  The Directive is available on the College website. As you will read, the Chief Medical […]   More >>>


COVID-19 Information for Members – March 22, 2020

Psychological Services by Out of Province Practitioners to Clients Temporarily Relocated to Ontario  Continuing Professional Development Requirements and Deadlines 2018-2020 and 2019-2021 CPD Cycle Deadlines We recognize that the social distancing required to avoid transmission of COVID-19 may mean delays in some opportunities for members to participate in CPD activities that […]   More >>>


COVID-19 Information for Members – March 17, 2020

 COVID-19 Information for Members March 17, 2020 Reminder: Office Closure The College’s offices are closed, and staff are working remotely. While we are endeavouring to continue to handle all routine College matters, we anticipate some unavoidable delays. With the office closed, we are unable to accept delivery of courier packages […]   More >>>


College Office to Move to Remote Service

Posted on 3/16/2020 12:12:54 PM Due to the rapidly evolving situation with COVID-19, to protect staff as well as reduce the risk of spreading the virus, as of Monday, March 16, the College of Psychologists of Ontario office will close and staff will work remotely until further notice. All College […]   More >>>


Tax Receipts

Posted on 3/16/2020 11:51:55 AM Members who require tax receipts may download them from their account.  Please log in and go to « My Account » to find the download link.   More >>>


COVID-19 Information for Members – March 6, 2020

COVID-19 Information    As health care practitioners it is important that members be aware of, and up to date on, the current status of COVID-19.  To assist in this, you may find the following websites useful and informative. Ontario Ministry of Health: This website provides information about how the Ministry […]   More >>>



The Quality Assurance Committee underwent an external audit as part of the College’s ongoing effort to ensure compliance with applicable Statutes and Regulations and Committee mandate.  The auditor’s report was positive and contained some helpful suggestions and recommendations, some of which have led to changes in the PAR process. The […]   More >>>



eBulletin July 2019 v10 n3 June 12, 2019 – Ottawa, Ontario Online attendees of the June 2019 Barbara Wand Seminar posed several questions we were unable to address during the presentations.  We are pleased to provide a summary of those questions, as well as the answers to them, below. As always, practice […]   More >>>


Continuing Professional Development – Lessons from a “Mock Audit” of Member CPD Records

eBulletin Article Originally Published in Issue V10 N1 January 2019 The end of the first two-year cycle of the College’s mandatory Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program is approaching. In approximately six months, at the end of June 2019, members with “odd” registration numbers will be required to make a declaration […]   More >>>



eBulletin January 2019 v10 n1 At the Barbara Wand Seminar in Professional Ethics, Standards and Conduct, held on January 21, 2019 in Toronto, I presented Tricky Issues in Professional Practice. Due to time constraints, one scenario provided to participants in the handout was not reviewed. Below is the scenario and multiple-choice answers from […]   More >>>