
Investigations, Complaints & Reports Committee (ICRC)


New Complaints and Reports

In the second quarter, the College received 26 new complaints and opened one Health Inquiry, for a total of 27 new matters. The nature of service in relation to these matters is as follows:

Timeline Snapshot

There are currently 142 open Complaints and Registrar’s Investigations that are being actively investigated.

ICRC Meetings

The ICRC met three times, to consider a total of 27 cases. In addition, 18 teleconferences were held to consider 27 cases. The Committee held one plenary meeting.

ICRC Dispositions

The ICRC disposed of 36 cases during the second quarter. The ICRC took some remedial action, ranging from providing advice to a referral to the Discipline Committee, in 19 (53%) of these cases as follows:

†F&V: Frivolous, vexatious, made in bad faith, moot or otherwise an abuse of process, pursuant to s.26(4) of the Health Professions Procedural Code.
*SCERP: Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program

The dispositions of these 36 cases, as they relate to nature of service, are as follows:

Disposition of Allegations

The 36 cases disposed of included the consideration of 79 allegations. The ICRC took some remedial action with respect to 36, or 46%, of these allegations.

Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB)

In the second quarter, two HPARB reviews of ICRC decisions were requested. The College received two HPARB decision from previously appealed matters both confirming ICRC decisions.