
Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee

Fourth Quarter, March 1, 2020 — May 31, 2020

New Complaints and Reports

In the fourth quarter, the College received 26 new complaints and opened one Registrar’s Investigation and one Health Inquiry, for a total of 28 new matters. The nature of the service in relation to these matters is as follows:

Complaints and Reports by nature for the 4th quarter of 2020.

ICRC Dispositons

The ICRC disposed of 26 cases during the fourth quarter, as follows:

ICRC Dispositions for the fourth quarter of 2020.

The dispositions of these 26 cases, as they relate to nature of service, are as follows:

ICRC Dispositons as related to the nature of service.

Disposition of Allegations

The 26 cases disposed of included the consideration of 58 allegations. The ICRC took some remedial action with respect to 25 (43%) of these allegations.

Disposition of allegations by ICRC for fourth quarter of 2020.

Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB)

In the fourth quarter, four HPARB reviews of ICRC decisions were requested. Six HPARB decisions were received by the College all of which were confirmed the ICRC decisions.