
Discipline Committee Report


There were no referrals to the Discipline Committee to May 31, 2021.


  1. Dr. Martin Rovers: https://members.cpo.on.ca/public_register/show/3067

A Hearing was held on June 29, 2021.  The Discipline Committee Panel made findings of professional misconduct in that Dr. Rovers failed to maintain the standards of the profession, contrary to subsection 1(2) of the Professional Misconduct Regulation (O.Reg. 80/93) made under the Psychology Act, 1991.  In particular, Dr. Rovers failed to maintain Standards of Professional Conduct (September 1, 2017):

  • 2.1 (General Conduct);
  • 3.1.1 (Meeting Client Needs);
  • 4.1.1(1), (3) and (8) (Supervision);
  • 5.1 (Competence); and
  • 9.5 (Billing Records);

The Panel also found that Dr. Rovers failed to supervise adequately a person who was under his professional responsibility and who was providing a psychological service; and that he engaged in conduct or performed an act, in the course of practicing the profession, that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as unprofessional.

The Panel imposed an Order, which included that the Registrar impose terms, conditions and limitations on Dr. Rovers’ Certificate of Registration, in particular, that for a period of 12 months from June 29, 2021, Dr. Rovers may only supervise a supervisee while Dr. Rovers participates in a Coaching Program.  The Panel also ordered Dr. Rovers to pay Discipline Hearing costs in the amount of $3,500 within 90 days of the order.


  1. Dr. Darren Schmidt: https://members.cpo.on.ca/public_register/show/21702

A referral was made to the Discipline Committee on July 14, 2020. A Pre-hearing Conference was held regarding this matter on February 1, 2021 and the Hearing is scheduled for August 25, 26, 27 and 30, 2021.

2. Dr. Augustine Meier: https://members.cpo.on.ca/public_register/show/1032

A referral was made to the Discipline Committee on November 30, 2020. This matter is currently at the Pre-hearing Conference stage and a Hearing has not yet been scheduled.

3. Dr. André Dessaulles: https://members.cpo.on.ca/public_register/show/2530

A referral was made to the Discipline Committee on January 21, 2021. This matter is currently at the Pre-hearing Conference stage and a Hearing has not yet been scheduled.