Interim Autonomous Practice – Section J – Registration Interview

Registration Guidelines

UPDATED: April 2019

Once the candidate has passed the JEE, they will be invited to attend a Registration Interview, as required in Sections 5.(3) 2.  or Section 16.(5) 2.of the Registration Regulation.   The purpose of the interview is to ensure that the candidate is ready for autonomous practice in Ontario.   The focus of the interview will be on the following:

  • the congruence of the proposed practice in Ontario with the candidate’s past practice in other jurisdiction(s);
  • ability to apply Ontario standards of practice and jurisprudence in professional practice;
  • ability to perform controlled acts, including formulation and communication of psychological diagnoses; and
  • awareness of limits of competence in the Ontario context.

A sample of the rating sheet used by interviewers is available on the College’s website.

Please see the Appendix A, Fees in the Registration Process for the current interview fee.

The interviewing team will be made up of three members of the College, one whom will be a member the Registration Committee who will chair the interview.   In addition a public member of the Council of the College may also be present as an observer at any interview.   On the day of the interview, a brief biography of all the interviewers will be available to the candidate.

Registration Interview Outcomes

There are four possible outcomes of the Registration Interview:

  1. The interviewing team may recommend to the Registrar that the candidate be issued a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice with all practice area(s), clients and activities as indicated on the candidate’s Declaration of Competence.   In this case, the Registrar will write to the candidate regarding the issuance of a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice;
  2. The interviewing team may recommend to the Registrar that the candidate be issued a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice in some but not all practice areas and client groups indicated on the candidate’s Declaration of Competence. The Registrar will write to the candidate advising of the recommendation, the reasons for the recommendation, and of the referral of the recommendation and reasons to the Registration Committee for a decision concerning the recommendation. The candidate will be informed of the date at which the Registration Committee will review the matter and will be invited to make a written submission respecting the recommendation.

    If the Registration Committee directs the Registrar to issue the candidate a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice in some but not all practice areas and client groups indicated on the Declaration of Competence, the candidate may seek a review of this decision by the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB) under Section 21(1) of the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) Code.
  3. The interviewing team may recommend to the Registrar that a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice be issued with a term, or a condition imposed.   In this case, the Registrar will write to the candidate, advising of the recommended term, or condition, the reasons for the recommendation and of the referral of the recommendations and reasons to a panel of the Registration Committee for a decision concerning the term, or condition.   The candidate will be asked whether they consents to the term, or condition and informed of the right under RHPA s.18 (1) to make a written submission to the panel and of the date on which the panel will review the matter.   If the panel directs the Registrar to issue a Certificate with a term, or condition under RHPA s.2 (1), the candidate may seek a review of this decision by the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB); or
  4. The interviewing team may be unable to recommend to the Registrar that the candidate be issued a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice.   In this case, the Registrar will write to the candidate, advising of the doubt about whether the candidate fulfills the registration requirements (RHPA s.15 (2)) and of the referral of the application to a panel of the Registration Committee. The candidate will be informed of the grounds of the referral, the right to make a written submission to the panel under RHPA s.18 (1) and of the date on which the panel will review the matter.  Following this review, the panel will make an order doing one or more of the following:  

    i.) Directing the Registrar to issue a Certificate of Registration if the applicant completes additional training specified by the panel.   As part of this training, the applicant may complete a period of supervised practice, in which case a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Supervised Practice will be issued.   The panel may also specify further education, training and/or a further interview.

    ii.) Directing the Registrar to refuse to issue a Certificate.

The applicant may request a review of these outcomes by the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB).