

The College continues to monitor the information from the Ministry of Health concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes participating in daily briefings organized by the Ministry Emergency Operations Centre (MEOC), sharing information with the other Health Regulatory Colleges and generally monitoring the information made available by the Ministry and the Chief Medical Officer of Health. 

The last major development directly affecting the majority of members of the College were the Chief Medical Officer of Health’s revisions to Directive #2 made on May 26, 2020. This was described in the College’s COVID-19 information for Members – May 27, 2020. These changes allowed for the gradual return to the delivery of non-urgent care and permitted members to begin to plan for the return to in-person services when this was considered necessary and appropriate for client/patient care. In keeping with the revised Directive, the College recommended and continues to recommend, « that when practical and clinically appropriate in keeping with client’s/patient’s best interest, members should provide services virtually rather than having clients/patients receive psychological services in-person ». 

The May 27, 2020 update included infection control information to be considered in planning for in-person service delivery. It also provided a link to the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Operational Requirements: Health Sector Restart. This document, recently updated on June 15, 2020, outlines safety measures to be in place for the provision of in-person health services by health care providers. It encourages health care providers to check the Ministry of Health (MOH) COVID-19 website regularly for updates on the COVID-19 patient screening guidance document, other guidance documents, mental health resources, and other related information. It also recommends that members regularly check the Directives, Memorandums and Other Resources page for the most up to date Directives issued by the Chief Medical Officer of Health. 

The College will continue to monitor recommendations from the Ministry and the Chief Medical Officer of Health and provide updates on information that impacts members’ practice. 

Keep healthy and safe,
Rick Morris, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Registrar & Executive Director