
COVID-19 Information for Members – March 22, 2020

Psychological Services by Out of Province Practitioners to Clients Temporarily Relocated to Ontario

Please be advised that this provision is no longer available as of May 15, 2023. If you have a question about providing psychological services to an existing client who is temporarily in Ontario, please review the College’s information regarding temporary and time limited registration found here.

 Continuing Professional Development Requirements and Deadlines

2018-2020 and 2019-2021 CPD Cycle Deadlines

We recognize that the social distancing required to avoid transmission of COVID-19 may mean delays in some opportunities for members to participate in CPD activities that involve face to face interaction. Please do not place yourselves, your families or members of your community at any risk out of concern about collecting adequate credits during your current CPD cycle. Once our public health authorities advise that it is safe to resume normal activities, we will determine any changes necessary to ensure that the CPD deadlines are fair and reasonable. 

 Information from the Canadian Psychological Association

The Canadian Psychological Association ( provided its membership with some information regarding COVID-19.  With their permission I wish to share the resources from them:  

  • FACT SHEETS. Thanks to Dr. Steven Taylor, we have prepared a new Psychology Works COVID-19 fact sheet, and created a page on our the CPA website for all important updates related to the virus – Many thanks as well to CPA’s Health Psychology Section for their contributions.  Both the fact sheet and web page continue to evolve as we receive new information. We suggest regularly checking in with our CPA website as it will continue to be updated as the situation evolves, and new information is shared. 
  • In addition to the fact sheet on coping with COVID-19, already posted at the link above, three more are in the works – one on working at home with children, the psychological impacts of COVID-19, and resources related to telepsychology. We hope to have these posted imminently at
  • BMS and Gowling WLG have prepared an article on telepsychology practice which is posted at
  • APA. The APA has shared some resources to ensure that psychologists have the tools and support that is needed. They have developed new guidance on  how to protect your patients and your practice as well as an office and technology checklist for telepsychological services.   

Keep safe and healthy,

R. Morris, Ph.D., C.Psych. 
Registrar & Executive Director